
Advances in Engineering and Multidisciplinary Knowledge (AEMK) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to the latest advancements in engineering and its interplay with a range of disciplines. The goal of AEMK is to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and academicians globally to share and discuss various new findings and developments in different fields of engineering.

AEMK welcomes submissions from a wide range of topics, including but not limited to the following:

  • All branches of Engineering: including Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Biomedical, Aerospace, Environmental, Computer Science, and Software Engineering, among others.
  • Interdisciplinary Studies: Papers exploring the interface of Engineering with disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Mathematics, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Innovative Engineering Technologies: New materials, energy-efficient technologies, sustainability in engineering, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technologies, and Artificial Intelligence application in engineering.
  • Engineering Education and Policy: Studies on pedagogical methods, curriculum development, policy-making related to engineering, and the societal impact of engineering.
  • Case Studies and Industrial Applications: Real-world applications of engineering principles, technologies, and innovations, including successful case studies and lessons learned from failed projects.


The journal encourages a wide array of manuscript types, including original research articles, review articles, brief reports, technical notes.

AEMK is committed to promoting dialogue and collaboration between various engineering domains and other disciplines, believing that this cross-disciplinary exchange is crucial for addressing the complex challenges of the modern world.

All submissions to AEMK should clearly demonstrate relevance to the field of engineering, a multidisciplinary approach, or the potential for significant impact on engineering practice or education. The emphasis will be on the novelty of the research, clear articulation of the interdisciplinary approach, and the potential for real-world application.

Submissions purely theoretical without any demonstrated application, or those lacking significant novelty or interdisciplinary approach, may be considered out of scope for the journal.